
The Ahom Dynasty: How a Migrant Tribe Became the Rulers of Assam

 If you are fascinated by the history of Northeast India, you might have heard of the Ahom dynasty, a powerful kingdom that ruled over Assam for nearly six centuries. But how much do you really know about this remarkable dynasty and its legacy? The first king of the Ahom kingdom was Chaolung Sukaapha, a Shan prince of Mong Mao (present day Yunnan, China) who crossed the Patkai mountain region to reach Brahmaputra valley and  lay foundation of the Ahom Dynasty. He founded the capital city ,Charaideo. They were known for their strong strategies and alliances, which helped them in resisting foreign invasion, including those from the Mughals.  One of the most legendary Ahom warriors was Lachit Borphukan, the general of the Ahom Kingdom. The Ahom Kingdom would see its first major engagement against an imperial power in the form of the Mughal Empire in 1615. The Ahom capital of Garhgaon was occupied by the Mughals in 1662, but they were dislodged in subsequent engagements. Finally, during th

Gupta Glory: A Story of Innovation, Invention, and Inspiration

 Have you ever wondered how India became one of the most advanced and diverse civilizations in the world? How did it produce some of the greatest achievements in art, science, literature, and religion that still inspire us today? The answer lies in a period of history that is often overlooked or ignored by many: the Gupta dynasty. The Gupta dynasty was a powerful empire that ruled most of northern and central India from the 4th to the 6th century CE. It is considered the golden age of Indian culture, as it witnessed the flourishing of various fields of knowledge and creativity. The Gupta rulers were not only conquerors, but also patrons of learning and culture. They supported and encouraged the development of Sanskrit language and literature, mathematics and astronomy, medicine and surgery, sculpture and painting, music and dance, and Hinduism and Buddhism. The dynasty was founded by Sri Gupta, but the dynasty's first significant king and regarded as its true founder was Chandragup

The Mauryan Marvel: Ancient India’s Powerhouse

 The Mauryan Empire was the first empire that covered most of the Indian region as well as parts of modern day Iran. It's era in itself is a milestone throughout the  existence of Ancient India. It was the most powerful in the realm of ancient India ruling from 322BC to 185BC. It gave Indian subcontinent a strong centrally controlled administration.  As indicated by legend,  the guru Chanakya persuaded Chandragupta Maurya to vanquish the Nanda dynasty because he was offended by Dhana Nanda and to defeat him  Chandragupta and Chanakya together assembled possibly the biggest domain on the Indian subcontinent, because during this time, the Mauryan empire was probably the largest empire in the world. Chandragupta Maurya overthrew the last Magadha king, Dhana Nanda and founded Mauryan empire, with it's capital being Patliputra. His son Bindusara followed his footsteps and further  expanded the kingdom.   There was a four year succession conflict after the death of Bindusara, who wan

Chola: The Empire of the Rising Sun in South India….

When you think of the great empires of India  - the Mughals will definitely be the first name that pops up in your head . The fame of their wealth spread  far and wide , their glory recorded with awe by the Europeans who visited their court. Yet, four hundred years before the Mughals , their existed an equally glamorous empire , the Cholas. Unlike the Mughals this empire went beyond the traditional boundaries of the Indian subcontinent. If the Mughals left behind great buildings like the Taj Mahal and exquisite miniatures to remind us of their glory , the Cholas rivaled them with the great temples that dot south India. The mind reels to hear that Rajaraja Chola l  donated 200kg of gold and silver and sacks of jewels to Brahadisvara temple in Tanjore. They also built flourishing ports, palace and temple town. Thanjavur still stands to be the biggest and tallest temples in India of it's time.                                     Brahadisvara temple The Chola Dynasty was founded by vi

It's ok

Life takes care of itself No matter what. The Sun rises.Every single day.  There is one more chance to get it all right.  One more chance to prove yourself worthy.  One more chance to forgive yourself for doing something stupid......